About Me

Hellooooo Readers!

My name is Betty, but you probably had that figured out by now.  I'm 26 years old.  My favorite place on Earth is home.  I love cooking, cleaning, decorating, organizing, and taking good care of my little family.  Martha Stewart's Homekeeping Handbook is my bible.  I'm always looking for new, better, and more creative ways to streamline and beautify my nest and I was finally convinced that I should blog about it.

Blogging is something that I never saw myself doing.  I'm not the best writer, not the best photographer, and not the most creative thinker.  But it's a great hobby and it keeps me on track with my personal projects.  It's also showing me that I am more capable than I thought and challenging me to work outside my comfort zone.  I know I'm going to love looking back on this and seeing all my hard work documented.  And...if I spark one idea in one person's mind or provide one useful tip that helps a reader out, well that's great.  :)

As of May 10th this year I am happily married to my guy of 6 years, Shaun (commonly referred to as Shauny.)  You'll read a lot on my blog about his griping.

Good pictures of us do not exist.  No joke, this literally was the best I could do.  We need some decent pictures.  I'll put that on my To-Do list...

Not only am I a wife, but also a loving mother to my 2 favorite beasts in the world.

This is normally where you will find them!  Snuggled up on the couch.

Malice is my 10+ year old pit/lab mix that I adopted from the local shelter about 6 years ago when he was 2-3 years old.  He is the sweetest guy (don't let the name fool you) and the biggest couch potato I know.  He's been my little big shadow ever since I brought him home and I don't know what I'd do without him!

And though I wouldn't consider myself much of a cat person, my second favorite beast is Claudio.  Found the poor guy on the side of a trail when I almost ran him over with my bicycle!  He was a tiny baby and too weak to move.  Cat person or not, I am for certain an animal person.

He's much bigger after 2 years at my house!  I brought him home and fixed him up with the intentions of adopting him out, but then I named him and the rest is history.  Raised by Mally, he acts more like a little dog than a cat.  He's learned to "speak" for treats and unfortunately has never learned how to properly use his claws.  I find him stuck to everything!

So yeah, I have better pictures of my animals than I do my husband and I...that should say it all!

Thanks for visiting my blog, thanks for reading through all of this crap (or just skimming and checking out the cute animal pictures, can't blame ya) and don't forget to subscribe if you like what I've got goin' on here!

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