Friday, August 23, 2013

We now interrupt your regularly scheduled House Tour post...

Let's take a break.  So, as we discussed previously, my dining room needs a lil' somethin' somethin'.  More color.  More decorative pillows on the church pew.  Really gotta do something about the 70s fabric that is yet to be removed from those chairs.  I chose to start with a very popular accessory: The Framed Chalkboard Sign.


So this was a super easy little project.  It cost me $1.06, but that will vary from person to person as I used mostly what I had on hand from previous projects.  The only thing I had to purchase for this was a piece of foam board from my local Dollar Tree.

  • 1 piece of black foam board from Dollar Tree
  • hot glue gun/glue sticks
  • pencil
  • razor to cut foam board (or a paring knife if you're impatient and can't find yours)
  • ruler/measuring tape
  • frame (mine was one I've had laying around from Hobby Lobby, clearance $8)
  • Rustoleum's chalkboard paint
  • foam roller & tray

First I measured the opening in my frame and marked that out on the foam board with pencil.  I then cut my board to size.

I did tear it up a bit when I was cutting, but it didn't really matter 'cause I was painting over it anyway.  This was also meant to be a quick, cheap little cute 30 minute project.  You can use something that will hold up better in the long run.  I know I'm only planning on using this for decoration and probably will rarely even change the quote on it, so foam board works for my needs!

Dump some chalkboard paint in your tray and get to rolling!  I did 2 coats just because, but I'm sure whatever you feel is necessary will work.

After my paint was dry, I took up my hot glue gun and ran a bead along the inner ledge of the frame where my board will sit.  Then I placed it in the frame pushing the edges into the glue.  Work quickly before your hot glue dries.  You don't want a hot mess.

I added another layer of glue over top of the edges once my piece of form board was in just to be sure it would stay in there.

Words that I quite clearly live by.

My handwriting forever sucks.  Does that add a homemade charm to the whole thing?  I might have my sister and her stupid, beautiful handwriting re-do it next time she's over.

Tada!  That's that, folks.  Get to doodlin'.

betty signature

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