I was going to reveal the new state of our home office/craft room today, but since that isn't panning out I'll share with you some great inspiration photos for the gallery wall that I am slowly building onto in there.
One of the major thoughts behind the whole thing is that I want it to strongly reflect Shaun's tastes as well as my love for, well...cohesive, eye-pleasing loveliness. It is just a fact that my crap fills up a good 90% of the house. Think of this as my attempt to even out the score. Just a bit.
Shaun, if you're reading this that doesn't mean dirty socks on the floors and Nerf guns on the walls.
Commence inspirational photos!
This first one is from Caitlin of Desert Domicile and it's just great. The things I love about it are the pops of color among the black and white and the use of not only framed pictures but the mirror, signs, and items like the keys and license plate. She also gives a few a her tips on putting together your own gallery wall so check it out!
I'm in love with this one featured in Elle Decor! Given, it is mainly due to the space itself with it's sloped ceiling and all, but still. I do love how they filled up every inch of the wall.
This gallery wall, featured on Apartment Therapy, gives off a sense of symmetry that I know my obsessive tendencies will draw me towards in my own gallery. It's got that eclectic, but not too eclectic vibe that I totally dig.
This wall done by Carmel over at Our Fifth House drew me in with the interesting items she included. I love the hat and purses. We have a couple of vintage hats of Shaun's that would be great for this. And when he feels like wearing one, he can just grab it and go!
Feelin' that symmetry vibe...
This one uses all different sized and shaped frames to form one tight square.
I think this project is going to be a lot of trial and error. I'm really going to have to go with my gut on this one. This can be a hard thing to do for an obsessive perfectionist-type, but I'm willing to give it a shot. I do love that "collected over time" style that is so hard for me to grasp sometimes. I find myself just having to take a step back or let a project like this sit for a while before I continue on with it.
Are you a perfectionist or does eclectic styling come naturally to you? Any tips? Thanks for reading, you guys! Until next post...